Weekly Update 6th December 2024
Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are entering our busy time of year as we prepare for Christmas, and the school hall is filled with the sound of children singing carols and practising their lines. Please check the dates below for details of our performances and Christmas activities and please keep checking your emails for communications as we approach the end of term.
Our KS1 children had a fantastic time at their disco this afternoon. The staff couldn’t resist joining in the fun and an appearance from Santa made the afternoon extra special. Thank you to the Y5 parents for organising both our KS1 and KS2 disco. We look forward to seeing our older children and parents at the KS2 disco tonight.
This week in school
Service of Reconciliation
As part of our Advent preparation, the Y4 children led an Advent Service of Reconciliation Service this week. They encouraged the KS2 classes to reflect on their actions as they prepare to meet Jesus at Christmas. They also dramatised the parable of the Prodigal Son and explained how this shows God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Following the service, Fr Peter Andrew came into school for Y4 children to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
School Calendar Front Cover Competition
We were so impressed by the standard of the children’s designs for the front cover of the school calendar. The designs were original, clever, thoughtful and skilful. Well done to all the budding artists who were given a prize in assembly today and to Kit in Y5 whose artwork will be on the front of the calendar.
Sports Update from Mr Sagar and Mrs Knowles
This week, a team from Y5 and Y6 represented St Elizabeth's at the boys borough football tournament. The boys played seven games against other primary schools during the day and showed some great footballing skills both in defence and attack, including two excellently taken penalties by Noah. The team enjoyed their day out and were respectful ambassadors for the school. Well done, boys!
Extra-curricular Sports Achievements
Congratulations to Alianna in Y5 for representing the school in trampolining, and to Ben in Y5 for representing the school in chess! Keep up the good work!
The next two weeks in school
Y4-Y6 Rose Theatre Visit - Tuesday 10th December
Children in Y4 to Y6 will be watching the production of ‘Robin Hood and The Christmas Heist’ at the Rose Theatre in Kingston. They will be travelling by train and parents will need to collect the children from the Rose Theatre at 4:30pm. We are still looking for more parents to accompany the children on the train journey to the theatre so please let us know if you are available. The £12.50 payment for the production should be made through Arbor Pay by Monday 9th December.
Reception ‘Carols around the Tree’ – 9:30am Wednesday 11th December
Reception parents and families are invited to Reception’s Carols around the Tree at 9:30am on Wednesday 11th December. Children should come into school as normal and parents will be able to enter the hall through the main entrance to the hall at 9:15am. There will be a collection for our Advent charities, Small Steps and the Vineyard Community, after the carols.
Reception to Y3 theatre performance in the school hall - Wednesday 11th December
The children in Reception to Y3 will be watching Wizard Theatre’s production of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ on Wednesday 11th December. Please make your payment for this production through Arbor Pay.
KS2 Advent Service in the school hall – 7pm Thursday 12th December
All children in KS2 will be taking part in our Advent Service on Thursday 12th December. Children should come to school at 6:30pm wearing smart, clean school uniform including a tie. Every family has been given two tickets for the Advent Service. If you do not need both tickets, please return unwanted tickets to the school office as these can be reallocated. Entry to the school hall is at 6:45pm and parents will need to show their tickets. There will be a collection for our Advent charities, Small Steps and the Vineyard Community, after the service. As this is a liturgy, photography is not permitted, however the service will be recorded by school and shared on Google Classroom.
KS1 Nativity – 9:30am Friday 13th December
The Y1 and Y2 Nativity will be taking place on Friday 13th December at 9:30am. Children should come into school as normal and parents will be able to enter the hall through the main entrance to the hall at 9:15am. There will be a collection for our Advent charities, Small Steps and the Vineyard Community after the service.
Reception Crafts and Baking – 9am Monday 16th December
Reception parents are invited to come into school to help the children make Christmas crafts and bake ginger bread men on Monday 16th December from 9am to 10am. Please come to the school office at 9am on the morning.
Schola singing at St Winefride’s Parish Advent Service – 7:30pm Monday 16th December
The Schola choir will be singing at St Winefride’s Parish Advent Service on Monday 16th December. Parents from school are welcome to attend.
Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day – Tuesday 17th December
We have our whole school Christmas lunch on this day. Children are offered a traditional roast turkey lunch with crackers and Christmas songs. They are welcome to wear Christmas jumpers with their school uniform and Christmas accessories. Lunch is followed by a whole school Christmas movie.
Advent Mass - 11am Thursday 19th December
Canon John from St Winefride’s Church in Kew will be celebrating our Advent Mass for us on 19th December. All parents and family members are welcome to join us for Mass. The readings and prayers will be led by our Y3 children.
And finally, the end of term is at 2pm on Friday 20th December.
Values Awards this week
Congratulations to the following children who have received a Values Award this week:
Reception: Felix
Y1: Victoria
Y2: Charles
Y3: Oliver A
Y4: Benjamin
Y5: Alice
Y6: Maria
Attendance this week
Whole school attendance this week is 97.2%. Congratulations to Y5 for having the highest attendance this week with 99.7%. This is closely followed by Reception with 98.7%.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend.
Jane Hines and the staff of St Elizabeth’s