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Weekly Update 17th January 2025

Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...

Dear Parents and Carers,

The Spring Term is in full swing.  The calendar of events for the term was sent out to you this morning.  Please do add these dates to your calendar and we look forward to seeing you in school soon.

We have also sent you the Termly Topic Information for Parents today which outlines what your child will be learning in class this term.  You can find more information about the learning objectives and vocabulary that will be covered in each subject in the Knowledge Organisers on the class pages of the school website.

This week in school

New Year Resolutions

Wearing our uniform with pride!

In assembly this week we reminded the children about the importance of wearing the correct school uniform.  We focused particularly on ties.  All children from Y1 to Y6 must wear a tie with a buttoned-up collared shirt.  Dolphin House are now selling elasticated school ties which children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 can choose to wear.  In Y2 and Y3 we expect children to start to tie their ties independently.  This can be tricky and so as a reward, once children can do this, they will earn a ‘Headteacher’s Award’ sticker!

We also reminded children that they should not wear any jewellery apart from a single silver or gold stud ear-ring.  Keep the sparkles and hoops for home, please!

Our school uniform is unique to our school and we receive many compliments on the smartness of our pupils.

Details of the school uniform can be found on the school website.  If you need any help sourcing items of school uniform, we can help. Please contact the school office or Mrs Diver.


Our second New Year’s Resolution is to be in school on time every day.  We spoke to the children in assembly about the importance of being punctual and the things that they can do to get themselves ready in the morning.

The register is taken at 8:55am and children must be in school for this.  The gates to the school are shut at this time and late children need to come to the school office via the Queen’s Road entrance, with an accompanying adult. Lateness is recorded each day and the Borough Educational Welfare Officer monitors pupil lateness each half term.

We understand that at times there are traffic issues that cause widespread lateness in our local area and these cannot be avoided.  However, regular lateness is a concern due to the detrimental effect it has on a child.  It also causes un-necessary extra workload for both our office staff and for our teachers who need to re-teach missed parts of lessons.

Please do all you can to help your child arrive in school on time in 2025 so that we can give your child the best start to their day!

Sports News from Mr Sagar and Mrs Knowles

This week, our Y5 and Y6 girls football team played a league match against an experienced side from Russell School. The girls played really well in tough, muddy conditions and during the second half in particular, showed real perseverance in defence with some excellent marking and tackling. Russell School players voted Mia as our player of the match. Well done to all the girls who played!

Before Christmas, a Y5 and Y6 team took part in local sportshall athletics competition that tested their strength, stamina and co-ordination. During the holidays, once the results had been analysed, we heard that our St Elizabeth's team had won the event! Congratulations to all the children who took part!

Next week in school

Y2 Scooter Training

On Thursday 23rd January, Y2 children will be taking part in scooter training on the school site.  Details have been sent home via a blue letter with form to return.  Please note that children may wear their PE kits on this day.

Information for parents

Parent library volunteers needed

We are looking for parent volunteers from across the school to help KS1 children change their books in our Infant library.  It is expected that this would be for one afternoon a week and parents would need to have a DBS check carried out by school and receive training. 

If you are interested in becoming a library volunteer, please complete this form and we will respond to you shortly:

Upcoming Events


23rd a.m.  Y2 Scooter training in school

29th 9:00 a.m.  Reception & Y6 Height & Weight measuring in school

29th 4:00 p.m.  Piano concert in the school hall – parents invited.

30th TBC  Mass for the Feast of the Presentation prepared by Y4 – all welcome


3rd All week  Children’s Mental Health Week

3rd 10:00 a.m.  National Storytelling Week: Y3 and Y5 online workshop

6th 9:10 a.m.  Y2 Class Assembly – parents invited

6th 10:00 a.m.  National Storytelling Week: Y1 and Y2 online workshop

6th 10:30 a.m.  Y6 & Y5 last swimming session

7th 9:00 a.m.  Parents’ Coffee Morning – all parents invited

12th  Y2 ‘Great Fire of London’ Freshwater Theatre Visit

13th  Borough Swimming Gala

13th 9:10 a.m.  Y5 Class Assembly – parents invited

14th a.m.  Y6 Light workshop with Explorer Dome

14th a.m.  Y5 Space workshop with Explorer Dome

14th p.m.  Y4 Sound workshop with Explorer Dome

Values Awards this week

Congratulations to the following children for being noticed living our School Values this week:

Reception – Nicholas

Y1 – Margherita

Y2 – Lottie

Y3 – Emanuel

Y4 – Eddie

Y5 – Sebastian

Y6 – Emily

Million Word Readers

Congratulations to Arthur and Colton in Y6 for reading 10 million words!  Such a fantastic achievement!

Attendance this week

Whole school attendance this week is 96.9%.  Congratulations to Reception for having the highest attendance this week with 99.7%.  This is closely followed by Y4 with 98.6%.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

Jane Hines and the staff of St Elizabeth’s