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Weekly Update 3rd May 2024

Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...

Dear Parents and Carers,

A lighter Weekly Update this week! While the children have not been in school today, the teachers have been at St James’s Catholic Primary School in Richmond for the annual Richmond Catholic schools’ INSET Day. This is always a most valuable day where the seven Catholic primary schools share reflection and professional development which enhances the teaching of RE and the Catholic Life of our schools.

Our Y6 Pupil Chaplains play a vital role in leading prayer and charity work in our school and this week they have been leading liturgies that they prepared themselves in all classes. It is always wonderful to see the Chaplains being such excellent role models, sharing and explaining the Gospel messages and leading children in prayer. Please do ask your child to tell you about these sessions.

Pope Francis has designated 2024 as a Year of Prayer and in assembly this week we focussed on the ‘Our Father’. The children learnt how the prayer is prayed throughout the world in many different languages, and Mr Askin said the prayer in Gaelic. Mrs Diver has invited children who speak another language at home to bring the Our Father in to school in their own language. The children can read the prayer in assembly next Tuesday if they wish.

Sports News from Mr Sagar and Mrs Knowles

This week, Y5 took part in the Richmond East Side Borough Basketball Tournament at Christ's School, competing against mostly Y6 teams from local schools. The squad played three 12-minute games and showed how much their skills and confidence developed during the tournament. We are proud of the spirit and passion the team showed and look forward to seeing them compete as Y6s next year - well done all!

Next week in school

ZooLab Science Workshops in school for Y3 and Y4

On Wednesday 8th May, we have arranged for ZooLab to come in to school to lead workshops for Y3 pupils on the Rainforest and for Y4 pupils on Habitats.

Orchestra Concert on Wednesday 8th May

We are really looking forward to the Orchestra Concert next week on Wednesday 8th May at 6pm. All are welcome to attend the concert. If your child is playing in the concert, as a soloist or with the orchestra, please make sure that they bring their instrument, their music and their piano accompaniment into school on Wednesday. We look forward to seeing you there.

Ascension Day Mass on Thursday 9th May

On Thursday 9th May at 2pm we will be celebrating Mass in school for Ascension Day. Y6 children will be leading the Mass and all parents and carers are invited to attend.

Information for Parents

School May Fair

We are now on the countdown to the May Fair which is taking place on Sunday 19th May from 12pm - 4pm. This is the largest fundraiser of the year and it promises to be a wonderful day. We hope you will be able to join us and thank you in advance to the PTA for the preparations. A ParentMail has been sent today with information and more details will follow over the coming weeks.

Sponsored Cycle Ride from Richmond to Paris!

Our St Elizabeth’s Cyclists are getting ready once again for their Sponsored Cycle Ride which will take them on a fantastic journey from St Elizabeth's to Paris!

We are incredibly grateful for all the money raised by our team of cyclists over the past years which has made an invaluable contribution and made such a difference to our school.

Please do show your support by sponsoring our dedicated cyclists. Any donation, big or small, will be gratefully received and go directly towards their fundraising target, and of course will help to motivate our riders with this amazing challenge. Please make your donations via this link:

Upcoming Dates


Monday 6th May Bank Holiday – school closed

Wednesday 8th May Y4 Habitats Workshop in school

Wednesday 8th May Y3 Rainforest Discovery Workshop in school

Wednesday 8th May Orchestra Concert in the school hall at 6pm

Thursday 9th May Ascension Day Mass at 2pm

13th to 17th May Y6 National Curriculum Tests Week (SATs)

Friday 17th May Mufti (non-uniform) Day for children to wear their own clothes in exchange for bringing a bottle for the tombola at the May Fair

Friday 17th May PTA Cyclists leave for Paris at 9am

Friday 17th May Y1 visit to Holly Lodge in Richmond Park – Plants Workshop

Sunday 19th May School May Fair – Save the Date!

20th to 24th May Walk to School Week

Monday 20th May Y5 visit to Barnes Literature festival at Rose Theatre

Tuesday 21st May Reception visit to Bockett’s Farm

Tuesday 21st May KS2 Choir to perform at the RMT Singing Festival

Thursday 23rd May Y1 class assembly – parents invited

Attendance this week

Whole school attendance this week is 97.70%. Congratulations to Y1 for having the highest attendance this week .. with 100%! Closely followed by Reception with 99.58% attendance.

Wishing you a lovely long weekend and we look forward to seeing the children in school on Tuesday 7th May.

Kind regards,

Jane Hines