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Weekly Update 17th May 2024

Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...

Dear Parents and Carers,

The May Fair is very nearly here and it promises to be a fabulous day on Sunday. We are looking forward to seeing you all there between 12 and 4pm. Please do take a look at the online brochure emailed to you today for details of the day and information about our sponsors.

A huge thank you goes to our PTA Chairs, Liza Maxwell and Susannah O’Leary, and the whole PTA Committee for their incredible hard work in organising the May Fair. Thank you too, to all those who have been working so hard behind the scenes, to our parent stall holders, and to our school staff for all helping to make this May Fair the best yet!

And good luck to our cyclists who are now well on their way to Paris. Mgr Bill blessed each group before they rode out of the school gates in the sunshine this morning. The children really enjoyed having the cyclists talk to them in assembly on Wednesday and they had some great questions about the ride. Please show your support by making a donation and writing a message of encouragement on the JustGiving page:

This week in school

Y6 Assessments (SATs)

Our Y6 pupils responded to the challenge of SATs week brilliantly this week. They were focused and well-prepared and took the tests in their stride. We are very proud of them all.

Next week in school

Y5 visit to Barnes Literature Festival at the Rose Theatre

On Monday 20th May our Y5 children will be attending a workshop with Joseph Coelho, who is the Children’s Poet Laureate, at the Rose Theatre. This is a great opportunity to hear Joseph Coelho perform his work and hopefully inspire the children to write their own poetry. Please note that the children need to be in school at 8:30am on Monday.

Junior Choir performance at the Rose Theatre

On Tuesday 21st May, our Junior Choir will be performing in the Richmond Music Trust’s Singing Festival at the Rose Theatre. Attendance at the concert is by pre-paid ticket only and children need to be collected from the Rose Theatre afterwards.

Reception visit to Bocketts Farm

On Tuesday 21st May our Reception children will be visiting Bocketts Farm, near Leatherhead. Please watch the weather forecast and dress your Reception child appropriately: sun-cream and a hat if sunny and waterproof coat and wellies if wet.

Y1 Class assembly

On Thursday 23rd May Y1 will be leading the assembly. Parents are invited to attend from 9:10am.

Walk to School Week

Next week is National Walk to School Week when we aim to reduce car journeys to and from school. We encourage all children to come to school in a more sustainable manner next week: walking, scooting, cycling with an adult, or by bus or train. If you cannot avoid using the car, why not try ‘Parking and Striding’, parking at Sainsbury’s or Pembroke Lodge and walking the rest of the way to school?

May Procession

May is a very special month for the Church as we remember Mary, the Mother of Jesus and mother of us all. In school there have been whole-school and class liturgies focussing on Mary.

On Wednesday 22nd May the whole school will be taking part in a special liturgy in our 'Mary Garden' which will include a May Procession, crowning of Mary with flowers and the creation of a May Altar.

Your child is welcome to bring in flowers from home for the altar.

Information for parents

We have been asked by the Local Authority to share the attached information about the dangers of open water swimming.

Upcoming Events


20th – 24th May ‘Walk to School’ week

20th May Y5 visit to Barnes Literature Festival – Rose Theatre

21st May Reception visit to Bocketts Farm Park

21st May Junior Choir to Richmond Music Trust Singing Festival

23rd May Assembly led by Y1 - Parents & Carers invited

Half-Term Week Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May


3rd June Inset: School closed for staff training

5th – 7th June Y6 School Journey to Osmington Bay, Dorset

11th June Y2 visit to Holly Lodge Richmond Park: Plants Workshop

13th June Assembly led by Reception - Parents & Carers invited

13th June Y6 & Y3 swimming sessions second half term

19th June Y6 Orange Tree Theatre Shakespeare workshop

24th June Y6 Choices workshop

28th June Y6 visit to Orange Tree for performance of Hamlet

Million Word Readers

Congratulations to Jasper and Lucien in Y5 who have read one million words!

Attendance this week

Whole school attendance this week is 97.74%. Congratulations to Y2 for having the highest attendance this week with 99.37%. This is closely followed by Reception and Y6 who both have 99.33% attendance.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday at our May Fair!

Kind regards,

Jane Hines