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Weekly Update 19th July 2024

Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...

Dear Parents and Carers,

Congratulations to all the children who took part in ‘Peter Pan, the Musical’ on Wednesday and Thursday this week. It was such a brilliant show! It looked and sounded amazing and all the children clearly loved every minute of performing. Huge thanks go to the Y6 parents for assisting the production with their artistic and dramatic skills, and to the staff team for helping to create such a magical and memorable experience for both the children and the audience. Thank you too to the Y3 parents for organising refreshments!

This week in school

Sports Assembly

This afternoon we held our Sports Assembly where we celebrated our pupils’ sporting achievements this year.

We relived many of our tournaments and events, celebrating the winning performances of our Sportshall Athletics and Swimming Teams.

We also gave the results of our sports days, giving out certificates to children who had excelled on the day. We revealed the winning houses: Congratulations to St Josephine Bakhita (yellow) which was the winning house of KS2 Sports Day and St John Henry Newman (red), the winning house of KS1 Sports Day. The overall winner of the Sports Day Trophy was St Teresa of Calcutta (blue).

We also heard from Arietta in Y4, who has just returned from representing England in the Dance World Cup, where she won an impressive collection of medals, including gold. Well done Arietta - the school is very proud of your achievements!

We announced the Sports Personalities of the Year from Y6: Zoey, Nicola, Matthew and Wiktor. The runners up were Michael and Leyre. Many congratulations to those children for their contributions to many sports teams, acting as role models for our school sporting ethos and living out our school values. We wish them every success in their new schools.

And finally, we would also like to thank our dedicated parents who make some of our clubs and teams possible: Mrs Andrews and Mrs Piers for Swimming Squad and Mrs Bauer and Mr Andrews for Running Club.

Next week in school

Leavers’ Mass and Governors’ Awards Ceremony – Wednesday 24th July

We will be saying goodbye to our Y6 pupils in a Mass on Wednesday 24th July at 9:30am. Following the Mass there will be refreshments after which, the Y6 will have their Governors’ Awards Ceremony. All parents are welcome to attend the Mass and Y6 parents are invited to stay for the Governors’ Awards which will finish by 11:30am.

End of Term – 2pm on Wednesday 24th July

NSSport is available until 6:00pm on Wednesday and NSSport are offering their holiday provision during the summer holiday. Please check their website for details.

Information for Parents

Sponsored Walk – Thank you!

Thank you again to our parents and carers for your support with our School Sponsored Walk. It was a great success!

Thank you for your sponsorship monies which have been sent into school by cash or cheque, or via our JustGiving page where we receive Gift Aid on every donation. We have already raised over £2,000! Please continue to send in sponsorship money until the end of term, and to donate online, please click this link:

Autumn Term Extra-curricular Clubs

We will be sending the extra-curricular clubs schedule for the Autumn Term on Monday 22nd July. NSSport and Breakfast Club are both available every day that the school is open.

Y5 Smart Phone Survey

Thank you to those who have already completed the smart phone survey. We will be closing the survey at 9:00am on Monday and writing to Y5 parents next week.

Preloved Uniform Sale and Uniform Donations

The PTA will be holding a Preloved Uniform Sale (second hand) in September. If you have any school uniform that you wish to donate could you please bring this into the school office next week. Thank you for your donations.

Values Awards this week

Congratulations to the following children for receiving a Values Award this week:

Reception: Byron, Elliot, Zoe

Y1: Thomas M, Raielle, Brandon

Y2: Elliott, Kabir, Paloma

Y3: Edward, Presley, Sebastian

Y4: Sebastian, Honor

Y5: Lucien, Noah, Olivia

Y6: Inigo, Sofie, Sofia, Dara

Million Word Readers

Congratulations to Bernard in Y2, Kateryna in Y3 and Millie in Y4 who have read 1 million words, and congratulations to Leyre in Y6 who has read 5 million words.

Special congratulations to Daniel in Y6 who has read a truly incredible 10 million words! What an outstanding achievement this is!

Attendance this week

Congratulations to Y6 for having the highest attendance this week with 97.67%. This is followed by Y3 which has 95% attendance.

Every day at school is a learning day, right up until the very end of term. Please ensure that your child attends school every day and completes the school year with their class on 24th July.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

Jane Hines