Weekly Update 24th January 2025
Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for your support in ensuring that the children are wearing the correct winter school uniform. The children have come into school looking noticeably smart and ready to learn, and a number of children in Y1 and Y2 have already been rewarded for doing up their ties by themselves!
Thank you too for your continued efforts to ensure your child is in school on time. It has been a challenging week with some local issues with public transport and closed roads, but overall we have seen an improvement in punctuality across the school. It is so important for children to start their school day on time and creates a good habit for life. Please do keep doing your best for your child.
This week in school
Catholic Life - Year of Jubilee Launch Day ‘Pilgrims of Hope’
2025 is a Jubilee Year for the global Church, an event that happens once every 25 years. The theme of this Jubilee Year is ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ and Pope Francis has invited us all to be signs of hope in our world, putting Jesus’ message of justice, freedom and love for all, into action.
Over the Jubilee Year there will be many opportunities for the children in school to take part in special liturgies and charity events. We will also be joining our local Catholic family of schools in joint liturgies and activities to make the year memorable and transformative.
Today was the launch day of the Jubilee Year and in assembly we prayed the Jubilee Prayer together. The children will be receiving individual prayer cards with this prayer on but until these arrive you can find the Jubilee prayer here: https://assets.ctfassets.net/vy3axnuecuwj/27HA3TKSRptI6Kh6qtNKku/941b63d612fe4798412dc72fa9f5e57e/Education_Jubilee_Prayercard.pdf
Sports update from Mr Sagar and Mrs Knowles
We have had a busy start to the sporting term with both boys' and girls' football teams in action in league games against St Richard's School. The boys' game was very competitive and evenly matched with both goalkeepers being called upon to make good saves. The boys played with a strong spirit and showed good teamwork. The girls played tenaciously against a well-organised St Richard's side and showed some much improved passing and fantastic encouragement of each other. Teddy, Mateo and Ola in Y5 all played their first games for the school Y5/6 teams and made valuable contributions. St Richards pupils voted Maxim in goal and Audrey in defence as players of the matches. Well done to everyone involved!
Next Week in school
Piano Concert – 4pm Wednesday 29th January
All children who are learning to play the piano are invited to perform a piece at the piano concert on Wednesday next week. This is a lovely opportunity for children of all abilities to play the school grand piano in front of an audience. Children should speak to Mrs FitzGerald to let her know that they would like to take part and all families are invited to attend the concert.
Mass for the Presentation of the Lord – 9:30am Thursday 30th January
Y4 will be preparing the Mass to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on Thursday next week. Please note the time of the Mass is 9:30 a.m. and Mgr Bill will be celebrating Mass for us. Parents and carers from all classes are invited to join us for our first school Mass of 2025.
Information for parents
Parent library volunteers
Thank you very much to those parents who have volunteered to help in our KS1 library. We will be contacting you by email shortly to arrange your induction.
Save the Date! Family Bollywood Night - Friday 7th February, 6:30 to 8:30pm
“Y6 invites you to glam up and dance your night away at Bollywood Family Night on Friday 7th February from 6.30-8.30 pm.
Sandia Furtado (Y1 and Nursery parent) will lead us through fun choreography to popular Bollywood beats. Also available - finger food and treats, stick on Henna, Bindi face designing and a bar. Best dressed prizes. Come in your colourful and glittery best!”
Purchase your tickets early to avoid disappointment:
Upcoming Events
29th 9:00 a.m. Reception & Y6 Height & Weight measuring in school
29th 4:00 p.m. Piano concert in the school hall – parents invited.
30th 9:30 a.m. Mass for the Feast of the Presentation prepared by Y4
3rd All week Children’s Mental Health Week
3rd 10:00 a.m. National Storytelling Week: Y3 and Y5 online workshop
6th 9:10 a.m. Y2 Class Assembly – parents invited
6th 10:00 a.m. National Storytelling Week: Y1 and Y2 online workshop
6th 10:30 a.m. Y6 & Y5 last swimming session
7th 9:00 a.m. Parents’ Coffee Morning hosted by Mrs Compton and Mrs Diver
7th 6:30 p.m. PTA Bollywood Night – family event
12th a.m. Y2 ‘Great Fire of London’ Freshwater Theatre Visit
13th p.m. Borough Swimming Gala
13th 9:10 a.m. Y5 Class Assembly – parents invited
14th a.m. Y6 Light workshop with Explorer Dome
14th a.m. Y5 Space workshop with Explorer Dome
14th p.m. Y4 Sound workshop with Explorer Dome
14th 3:15pm Half-term holiday begins
24th a.m. School returns after half-term holiday
Values Awards this week
Congratulations to the following children for being noticed for living our School Values this week:
Reception – Harvey
Y1 – Harry
Y2 – Vidhaan
Y3 – Antonia
Y4 – Ivor
Y5 – Hugo
Y6 – Zoe
Attendance and Punctuality this week
Congratulations to Y2 for having the highest attendance this week with 99.3%. This is closely followed by Reception with 98.3%.
Congratulations to Y2 for having the best punctuality this week with the lowest number of latecomers.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Jane Hines and the staff of St Elizabeth’s