Online Safety
At St Elizabeth’s we encourage the safe, sensible and enjoyable use of digital technology. We ensure that children have the appropriate knowledge to access technology responsibly and seek support if needed.
Online safety is taught within the Computing curriculum, the Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE) curriculum and the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum. Children are taught key knowledge and skills at an age-appropriate level and key knowledge is revisited regularly, building on previous learning.
Online safety forms part of whole school initiatives within Anti-Bullying Week and Health and Safety Week and through Safer Internet Day. Each year, children in KS2 participate in online safety workshops with the Achieving For Children Online Safety Adviser.
The school ensures that staff and governors are well-informed about online safety issues, and each staff member is responsible for reinforcing online safety messages whenever appropriate.
Online Safety for Parents
The school works in partnership with parents and carers to provide information and awareness through an annual Parent Online Safety Information Session. Parents are given guidance on how to put in place the correct measures for online safety and the appropriate use of devices.
Regular online safety updates are also sent to parents and carers in the termly Safeguarding Newsletter.
Online Safety Resources
CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection - is a law enforcement agency to help keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. CEOP is a command of the National Crime Agency (NCA). If something has happened online which has made a young person feel unsafe, scared or worried, they can report this to CEOP.
Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. Thinkuknow provides advice about staying safe when on a phone, tablet or computer.
Childnet’s mission is to work in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. Childnet provides online safety advice for young people, as well as advice for parents and carers to help support their child to use the internet safely and responsibly.