Our English curriculum is designed to develop every child’s ability to communicate with others and understand the world around them. Reading, Writing and Speaking are the fundamental skills required to access all education.
Our English curriculum is rooted in carefully selected, high-quality texts which provide excellent models for developing the core English skills required in all year groups. We have chosen core texts which are relevant to our pupils and which provide a diverse range of settings, characters, themes and genres. We aim to promote in our children a love of literature and we give them the opportunity to explore a wide variety of themes, ideas and values.
Our English curriculum enables children to:
- Enjoy a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts that help them to connect with the world around them.
- Write clearly, fluently and accurately in English, showing flair and creativity where appropriate.
- Develop detailed ideas in writing, adapting language to audience and purpose.
- Use a wide range of appropriate and ambitious vocabulary.
- Articulate and express their ideas, views and opinions about a wide range of topics clearly, confidently and respectfully.
- Produce work of which they can be proud.
We are fortunate to have a thriving library in school. Our school librarian works with the English Lead and school staff to provide a programme of literary events throughout the year, which include visiting authors and theatre visits.
At St Elizabeth’s we value handwriting as an important part of the writing process. We teach handwriting using the Letterjoin script which is fully cursive. Children develop fluency as they progress through the school and we encourage children to produce a consistently high standard of presentation in their work across all subjects.
In Reception, children work on developing their fine and gross motor skills in preparation for writing and the children are taught to print letters.
In Year 1 and Year 2, Handwriting is taught three times a week with pupils moving towards joined writing when they are ready, as assessed by the class teacher.
In Key Stage 2, Handwriting is taught three times per week. In Key Stage 2, children can qualify for a pen licence once they demonstrate that they join their letters consistently in work produced in all subject areas.
For children with fine motor skill needs, adaptations and interventions are put in place to enable children to succeed in writing. These may include the use of laptops and chromebooks.
Click here for more information about the Letterjoin handwriting programme.
Click here for more information on the English National Curriculum.