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Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 Class Page.  

Curriculum Information for Parents and Carers – Year 3 Spring Term 2025

The Spring Term is here and we would like to share with you a summary of what your child is learning in class. We would also like to share some ways that you can support your child at home.

Detailed information about the topics can be found in the Knowledge Organisers at the bottom of this page.  The Knowledge Organisers contain the key vocabulary and learning for each topic and you can look at these with your child over the course of the term. 


In English, we will first be reading I was a Rat by Phillip Pullman and then The Bear and the Piano by David Litchfield. We will be focusing on persuasive writing, letter writing and diary writing. In poetry we will write poems using our senses.

In grammar, we will be focusing on sentence punctuation and word classes.

We will practise writing using the school handwriting style focusing on letter shape, size and joins with the aim of using this writing style in all our writing.

Our spellings will focus on spelling patterns which use suffixes (word endings) and prefixes (word beginnings), words with the ‘k’ sound spelt ‘ch’ and those with the’ sh’ sound spelt ‘ch’, homophones and near homophones, and some of the statutory (tricky) spelling words.


In Mathematics, we will be focusing on deepening our knowledge of multiplication. We will be learning about division and problem solving. This will extend the children’s knowledge of the x2, x5 and x10 times tables to include x3, x4 and x8, as well as divide by each of these numbers. We will also look at length and perimeter and fractions.


In RE, we will be using our knowledge from the topics to link to the scriptures used and to our prayers. In our Community topic on Journeys, we will be exploring the church’s liturgical year and important events in Jesus’ life. As part of looking at Other Faiths we will be looking at Judaism and where Jewish people worship. In our topic on Choices, we explore what it means to make a choice. We will study the choices people make and the consequences. Our final topic for the Spring term is Giving All. We explore Lent, the sacrifices Jesus made and what it means to have a generous heart. We will also be participating in our school Passion Play.           


In Science, we will be learning about the exciting topic of Rocks and Soils. The children will identify different types of rock, how they are formed, and through experimentation identify the properties of each type. We will then be learning about Light and Shadows. The children will identify sources of light and through experimentation be able to define darkness. They will explore reflective surfaces and how shadows are formed.


In History, we will be exploring the Bronze Age and Iron Age. We will look at the impact these metals had on the lives of people living at the time and explore the limitations of archaeological evidence. 


In Geography, we will be exploring the climate and who lives in Antarctica. We will be using globes, atlases and maps. As part of our fieldwork, we will be planning an expedition around school.


In Computing, we will first be looking at emailing and then journey inside a computer to find out about the components that are needed in different types of computers.


This term, we will learn French words for the months of the year and numbers 1-31. We will ask and answer, ‘When is your birthday?’. We will recap how to introduce ourselves and answer questions such as, ‘What is your name? How are you? How old are you?’.


Spring Half Term 1: We will be studying the Ukulele.

Spring Half Term 2: We will be preparing to participate in our Passion Play.


In PE, we will be developing our Netball, Gymnastics, Swimming and Fundamental Movement skills.


In Art, we will be looking at sculpture and 3-D, looking at abstract shape and space.

Design and Technology

In Design and Technology, we will be looking at Food and eating seasonally.

RHSE (Relationship, Health and Sex Education)

In RHE, we will be looking at our relationships with friends and family. We will find out what to do when things feel bad.

Our PSHE / RHE programme is called Ten:Ten.  

Educational Visits

Information about Educational Visits will be confirmed shortly.  

How you can help your child at home

  • Reading daily and talking about the book - recalling what has happened.
  • Helping with Maths homework and learning times tables.
  • Helping children with weekly spellings.
  • Providing support with half termly projects.
  • Lots of talking! This helps build understanding of the world around us, as well as vocabulary.