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Extra-Curricular Clubs

At St Elizabeth’s, we believe that extra-curricular activities are valuable and rewarding opportunities for the children to develop their skills. 

Autumn Term 2024 Extra-Curricular Clubs Schedule

We are very pleased to be able to offer a broad programme of school clubs and extra-curricular activities to our children in the Autumn term.  

Autumn term school clubs will start in the week beginning Monday 16th September.  The club schedule is 11 weeks.  The last week of school clubs will be the week beginning Monday 2nd December.  Half term is the week beginning Monday 28th October.

If the weather does not permit a club to take place, then the club session may be cancelled that week.

To allow us to run the clubs and provide resources, equipment and administration, we charge a ‘one-off’ termly fee of £45.00 per club for all clubs run by school.  Places in school-run clubs will be allocated once payment has been received.  There is a requested charge of £25.00 for Running Club to cover the costs of insurance and first aid training.  

For clubs run by external providers you must contact them directly to arrange booking and payment. 

If your child receives the Pupil Premium Grant or if your family may need support for your child to attend clubs, the school may be able to offer free or discounted club places.  Please contact Mrs Diver in confidence.

If you have a club related query or need more information, please email the School Clubs Co-Ordinators at