Pupil Leadership
At St Elizabeth's it is our aim that all children have the opportunity to take on a position of responsibility where they can develop their leadership skills and experience working collaboratively to contribute to the wider life of the school. Opportunities to take on leadership roles begin in Reception class, where children play an active part in the care and organisation of their learning environment. In KS1 children take on monitoring roles within their own classes and between Year 2 and Year 6 children are encouraged to take on the following roles:
School Council
The St Elizabeth’s School Council is a representative group of pupils who are elected by their peers to represent pupils’ views, raise issues and suggest changes by working with the teachers, senior leaders and governors of the school.
Pupil Parliament
Each year two Year 6 pupils are elected by the children to represent the school in Richmond Pupil Parliament. As a member of the Pupil Parliament, children work with representatives from schools across the borough to raise awareness on issues affecting children in our local area.
Pupil Chaplaincy
Our school chaplains take a leadership role in the Catholic Life of the school. This role includes organising the weekly Prayer Club and Bible Club and leading liturgies in classes. The chaplains raise awareness of social justice issues through assemblies and the chaplains promote Food Bank donations and CAFOD charity events. Each half-term, the school chaplains create a chaplaincy newsletter that is sent to children and parents.
Year 6 Class Monitors
All of our Year 6 pupils act as monitors to younger classes. Among other duties, this role involves accompanying children to and from assemblies and liturgies and assisting in games during wet-playtimes. Many new friendships are made between monitors and their classes and the monitors themselves develop their initiative, reliability and good communication skills.
Sports Committee
Our Sports Committee promotes participation in physical activity in all classes and assists in the organisation of inter-house competitions and sports events. They contribute to sports celebration assemblies, match reports and sports updates in newsletters.
Play Leaders
Play leaders are trained to lead playground games on the KS1 playground and encourage younger children to have fun and join in physical activities.
Junior Travel Ambassadors
Junior Travel Ambassadors promote sustainable travel throughout the school. They lead assemblies and whole school initiatives and help to organise the annual Walk to School Week. They represent the school at borough events with Junior Travel Ambassadors from other schools.
Junior Librarians
Our Junior Librarians play an important role in the smooth running of the Junior Library, working alongside the school librarian. They assist in whole school reading initiatives such as Book Week and National Poetry Day.
The Eco-Warriors promote sustainability and raise awareness of enviromental issues through assemblies and whole school initiatives. Eco-Warriors work to improve our school and local environment and are responsible for the Growing Area and Recycling in school.
The Governors' Awards
All Year 6 children take part in the Governors' Awards. This is a year-long programme where the children carry out activities to develop their skills, independence and service to others. Children can achieve the Bronze, Silver and Gold award and many of the activities involve transferrable skills which will aid them in their successful transition to secondary school.