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Weekly Update 26th April 2024

Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...

Dear Parents and Carers,

You will have received two important documents from school this week. The first is the Calendar of Term Dates, and the second is the Termly Topic Information which summarises what your child will be learning this term. Please do take time to read the Termly Topic Information and also visit your child’s class page on the school website. There you will find the Knowledge Organisers which have information about the Learning Objectives and key vocabulary for each subject. These documents could be helpful in starting conversations with your child about their learning and also reinforcing new vocabulary. They are also great inspiration for days out linked to the topics!

This week in school

Piano Concert

Congratulations to the children who performed in the piano concert on Wednesday. As ever, it is wonderful to see the children, of all abilities, play with such confidence and enjoyment. Well done!

Quiz Night

The PTA Quiz Night yesterday was a great night of friendly competition while raising funds for the school. An amazing £1,000.90 was raised and I would like to thank the PTA and staff for organising, and Mathnasium who sponsored the event. Congratulations to the winning team, the Old Timers!

Information for Parents

Year of Prayer

This year is the 'Year of Prayer' and Pope Francis has shared that through prayer we are united. In assembly this week, we focused on praying the ‘Our Father'. We have invited children to bring in the 'Our Father' in their home language to share in assemblies this half term. We will also create a whole school display with all the prayers for all to see.

Friday 3rd May – School Closed

Our teachers will be taking part in the annual joint RE training at St James’s Catholic Primary School on Friday 3rd May. This is a valuable opportunity for our school to work with our six local Catholic schools and reflect and develop our own practice.

On this day, NSSport will be providing their INSET day provision if you require this for your child. Please make your booking via the NSSport website:

If your child receives the Pupil Premium Grant and you would like to access the holiday provision or after school care, please speak with Mrs Diver.

Please see attached two flyers for cricket at Ham and Petersham that may be of interest for your child.

Upcoming Dates


Friday 3rd May INSET Day – school closed for staff training

Monday 6th May Bank Holiday – school closed

Wednesday 8th May Y4 Habitats Workshop in school

Wednesday 8th May Y3 Rainforest Discovery Workshop in school

Wednesday 8th May Orchestra Concert in the school hall – 6pm

Thursday 9th May Ascension Day Mass - 2pm

13th to 17th May Y6 National Curriculum Tests Week (SATs)

Friday 17th May PTA Cyclists leave for Paris – 9am

Friday 17th May Y1 visit to Holly Lodge in Richmond Park – Plants Workshop

Sunday 19th May School May Fair – Save the Date!

20th to 24th May Walk to School Week

Monday 20th May Y5 visit to Barnes Literature festival at Rose Theatre

Tuesday 21st May Reception visit to Bockett’s Farm

Tuesday 21st May KS2 Choir to perform at the Rose Theatre

Thursday 23rd May Y1 class assembly – parents invited

Values Awards this week

Congratulations to the following children who have received Values Awards this week.

Reception: Corwyn

Y1: Arthur

Y2: Peter and Oliver

Y3: Ivor

Y4: Audrey

Y5: India

Y6: Elizabeth Rose

Million Word Readers

Congratulations to Emma in Y2 and Elisa in Y6 who have read one million words!

Attendance this week

Whole school attendance this week is 96.64%. Congratulations to Y1 for having the highest attendance this week with 99.33%, followed by Reception with 97.67% attendance.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

Jane Hines