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Weekly Update 13th September 2024

Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have completed the first week of the Autumn Term and the children continue to be a credit to you, working hard and settling into their new routines well.

Our new Reception children are currently starting school in groups and we look forward to meeting them all over the next week.

Our annual fundraising efforts have kicked off in style!  Thank you to our Y6 parents for arranging the first cake sale of the year and to our PTA for organising the Second Hand uniform sale yesterday.

Information for the beginning of the school year

We are in the process of sending out information for this term.  Please look out for the emails over the next week.

Termly Topics

The Termly Topics were emailed to parents yesterday.  These contain information about what your child is learning in each subject this term and suggestions of ways in which you can help your child.  These will be emailed to Reception parents once all the children have started school.

Term Dates

The dates for the term are being sent home today.  Please do put these into your calendars. More dates will be added as the term progresses.  Dates can be found on the school website calendar and also at the bottom of every Weekly Update.


Homework will be starting next week and we will be sharing the homework schedules with you on Monday.

Class Information Sessions

Please remember to attend your child’s Class Information session.  These are being held over the next two weeks and the dates are listed below.

Extra-curricular Clubs

Our extra-curricular clubs begin on Monday 16th September and run until week commencing 2nd December. Please note that Orchestra will not be taking place on Thursday 19th September but will begin on 26th September.

Please note also that children may only have a fruit snack before their club starts, not crisps, sweets or biscuits. We are a nut free school and must be very careful to protect the children in our school with allergies.  Thank you too for not giving children snacks on the school grounds after school.  This is helping us to keep the squirrels who love any crumbs and litter, away!

RE and Catholic Life

'Celebration of the Word' Gospel Liturgy and Assembly

In the Gospel liturgy on Monday, the children listened to the account of Jesus healing a deaf man.  They learnt that Jesus touched and opened the ears and mouth of the man so he could hear and speak.  Jesus said the ordinary words, ‘Be opened’, with extraordinary power and so we discussed that with Jesus to guide us, we can all use ordinary words to show love and make a difference to everyone we meet.  Jesus opened the ears and mouth of the man so he could hear and share the Good News.  The children were asked to reflect on how they could allow Jesus to guide their words each day to show kindness, encourage people and share Jesus’ love for everyone.

Values Awards

Congratulations to the following children for receiving a Values Award this week:

Y1 Noah and Lara
Y2 Ermanno
Y3 Margaux
Y4 Freya
Y5 Mia
Y6 Naomi

Well done to Eli, Emma and Sara for sharing their research on the Paralympians, Jonnie Peacock and Ellie Challis, in our Values Assembly today.

Summer Reading Challenge

Well done to our 71 children who completed the Summer Reading Challenge!  This is an amazing effort and really helps the children to read for enjoyment.  The children were presented with their certificates in assembly today. Special congratulations to Y3 who had the most completed challenges and are the winners of the Reading Cup for this half term.

Information for Parents

St Elizabeth’s Nursery places

St Elizabeth’s Nursery, which is on our school site, is now taking applications for places for September 2025. Children who will have had their third birthday by 1st September 2025 are able to attend the nursery.  All children are entitled to 15 funded hours in the nursery and some families are eligible for 30 hours of funding.  With extra demand this year in our local area, places are filling up quickly.  If you or someone you know is interested in a place at the nursery, please contact the Nursery Manager Delia Garitta on 0208 940 9141 or email

Reception places in September 2025

The application window for Reception places for September 2025 is now open and the closing date is 15th January 2025.  If you or someone you know, is interested in a place at St Elizabeth’s, please encourage them to visit the Admissions page on our website where you will find information about the application process and school tours. We warmly welcome applications from Catholic families and from those of other faiths or no faith.  Admissions page:

Upcoming dates

Monday 16th 9:00 a.m. Y6 Class Information Session
Tuesday 17th 9:00 a.m. Y5 Class Information Session
Wednesday 18th 3:30 p.m. Piano Concert in school
Thursday 19th 9:00 a.m. Y3 Class Information Session
Friday 20th 9:00 a.m. Y4 Class Information Session
Monday 23rd 9:00 a.m. Y2 Class Information Session
Tuesday 24th 9:00 a.m. Reception Class Information Session
Wednesday 25th 9:00 a.m. Y1 Class Information Session
Wednesday 25th 3:15 p.m. Y6 Pupil Chaplains’ cake sale for Macmillan Cancer Support
Friday 27th Whole class clarinet lessons start for Y4 pupils
Friday 27th 2.00 p.m. Mass for beginning of School Year


Thursday 3rd Reception to Y6: Nasal Flu Immunisation
Thursday 3rd National Poetry Day
Friday 4th CAFOD Harvest Day

Attendance this week

Whole school attendance this week is 97.71%.  Congratulations to Y2 for having the highest attendance this week with 99.62%.  This is closely followed by Y1 which has 99.26% attendance.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

Jane Hines