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The Governing Body performs a critical role in school leadership.  Governors are responsible for the strategic management of the school and agreeing school priorities.  Governors have a role in monitoring school progress and performance, as well as defining school policies.

Governors work within a committee structure with four responsibilities.  These are Admissions; Finance, Safeguarding, Premises and Health & Safety; Curriculum, Pupil Performance and Standards; and Staffing, Pay and Performance.  The Governing Body, and the Governing Body Committees, come together and meet throughout the academic year, and bring together a broad range of expertise and knowledge.

Correspondence for the Governors may be addressed to the Clerk to the Governing Body at the school.  The Clerk to the Governing Body is Mrs Kate McKenna.  

Instrument of Government

The Instrument of Government for St Elizabeth’s Catholic Primary School was made by order of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Local Authority.  The Instrument of Government has been dated and stamped by the Catholic Diocese of Southwark.

The Instrument of Government states that the Governing Body shall consist of Two Parent Governors; The Headteacher; One Staff Governor; One Local Authority Governor and Seven Foundation Governors, and that the total number of Governors shall be twelve. 

Foundation Governors are appointed by the Archbishop of Southwark through the Director of Education of the Archdiocese of Southwark Education Commission.  The term of office for Foundation Governors is four years. 

The Governing Body

Dr Oona Stannard

Chair of Governors 

Foundation Governor appointed by the Archdiocese of Southwark

Mary-Ann McClaran

Vice-Chair of Governors 

Foundation Governor appointed by the Archdiocese of Southwark

Veronica Bailey Foundation Governor appointed by the Archdiocese of Southwark
Marian Conran Foundation Governor appointed by the Archdiocese of Southwark
Jenny Evans Foundation Governor appointed by the Archdiocese of Southwark
Carlos Sibbick Foundation Governor appointed by the Archdiocese of Southwark
Paul Webb Foundation Governor appointed by the Archdiocese of Southwark
Thomas O’Malley Governor appointed by the Local Authority
Elizabeth Green Elected Parent Governor
Marie Devine-Bloomfield Elected Parent Governor
Julia McCrossan Elected Staff Governor
Jane Hines Headteacher
Kate McKenna Clerk to the Governors
Kerry Moynihan Diver Deputy Headteacher In Attendance

Governor Information 2023/24

Governor Committee Membership Link Governor Responsibility

Dr Oona Stannard

9/10/2013, 10/10/2017 & 10/10/2021

Term Ends: 


Chair of Governors. 

Vice Designated School Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection.


Chair of Governors will endeavour to attend all Committee meetings to ensure a close dialogue is maintained between the Chair and the Committee Chair, as well as contribute on agenda matters.

Safeguarding and Child Protection.


Link Governor for Religious Education and Catholic Ethos, Relationships and Health Education, Design & Technology, Educational Visits and Year 6.

Mary-Ann McClaran


Term Ends: 


Vice-Chair of Governors.

Chair of Staffing, Pay and Performance Committee.

Curriculum, Pupil Performance and Standards Committee.

Link Governor for History,  Geography and Music.  

Veronica Bailey


Term Ends:


Admissions Committee. 

Staffing, Pay and Performance Committee.

Newly appointed.  To be confirmed.  

Marian Conran

19/8/2015, 19/8/2019

& 19/8/2023

Term Ends: 




Curriculum, Pupil Performance and Standards Committee.

Staffing, Pay and Performance Committee.


Link Governor for English, Pupil Premium and Looked After Children.

Jenny Evans

6/2/2015, 6/2/2019 &


Term Ends: 



Finance, Safeguarding, Premises and

Health & Safety Committee.  

Admissions Committee. 

Link Governor for Science and Mathematics.

Carlos Sibbick


Term Ends: 


Curriculum, Pupil Performance and Standards Committee.

Finance, Safeguarding, Premises and

Health & Safety Committee. 

Staffing, Pay and Performance Committee.

Link Governor for Computing, Physical Education and


Paul Webb 

1/9/2010, 1/9/2014, 
13/10/2018 & 13/10/2022

Term Ends: 


Designated School Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection.


Chair of Finance, Safeguarding, Premises 

and Health & Safety Committee.  

Safeguarding and Child Protection.


Link Governor for Art and Design.

Thomas O’Malley

1/11/2010, 1/11/2014, 
27/11/2018 & 27/11/2022

Term Ends: 


Chair of Admissions Committee. Link Governor for Modern Foreign Languages.

Elizabeth Green


Term Ends: 


Chair of Curriculum, Pupil Performance and Standards Committee. Link Governor for EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) and SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).

Marie Devine-Bloomfield


Term Ends:


Admissions Committee. School Travel Champion.

Julia McCrossan


Term Ends: 


Curriculum, Pupil Performance and Standards Committee.

English Writing Lead.  

History Subject Lead.  

Relationships, Sex and Health Education ​(RSHE) Lead.


Jane Hines


As Headteacher, attends Governing Body and Committee meetings.


Kerry Diver


Deputy Headteacher.

Attends Curriculum, Pupil Performance and Standards Committee meetings.

No voting rights. 

RE and Catholic Life Lead.

Pupil Premium and Looked After Children Lead.

Assessment Lead.


Nadia Galindo Slim

17/10/2015 & 17/10/2019

Term Ended: 


Former Elected Parent Governor.  

Admissions Committee. 

Link Governor for Music.

School Travel Champion.