Well-Being and Mental Health
Good mental health is fundamental to be able to thrive in life. At St Elizabeth’s, we make it a priority to give our children the support and skills they need to be successful throughout their lives. Our aim is to build pupils’ confidence, resilience and knowledge so that they can keep themselves mentally healthy and gain an understanding of how to keep physically healthy, eat healthily and maintain an active lifestyle.
Mrs Joanne Compton is our school Senior Mental Health Lead. Mrs Compton is responsible for implementing our whole school approach to mental health and promoting well-being.
Examples of activities to promote health and well-being include:
- The annual school 'Well-Being Week'.
- National Mental Health Week.
- Anti-Bullying Week.
- Residential visits for all children in Year 5 and Year 6 which allow children to build resilience and independence.
- Zones of Regulation for all children in all classes.
- The Governors’ Awards – a programme to develop our oldest children’s independence, skills and service to ensure they are secondary school ready.
- The 'Life to the Full' RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) curriculum.
- Focused assemblies and visiting speakers and theatre groups.
Early Intervention by School Staff
Some children may need more support at different times for different reasons.
Our school ELSA, Mrs Graf, who is a trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistant, runs interventions for individual children or small groups. These interventions may focus on:
- Recognising emotions
- Self-esteem
- Social skills
- Friendship skills
- Anger management
- Loss and bereavement
In addition to our ELSA, our school works with the Mental Health Support Team (MHST) to offer counselling and individual support to children.
If you have a concern about your child's mental health or well-being, and would like to speak with Mrs Compton, please contact the school and we will arrange this for you.
We have a Virtual Worry Box on the school website where children may write their worry or concern. The Virtual Worry Box is received by Mrs van den Driessche who will speak with school staff to support pupils. The Virtual Worry Box can be found on the Year Groups section of the school website. All children at school have been shown the Virtual Worry Box and know that they are able to use this at school and at home.
Sources of Mental Health Advice
Childline offers free, private and confidential advice and support for children and young people. The Childline helpline number is 0800 1111.
CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services) - On the CAMHS website, you will find a collection of websites and resources that provide information and support to young people and families.
YoungMinds is a UK leading charity fighting for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges. YoungMinds want to see a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health, and all young people get the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what.
National Children's Bureau is a leading children's charity that improves the lives of children and young people, especially the most vulnerable. Their vision is for every child to be safe, secure and supported.
Rethink Mental Illness is a leading charity provider of mental health services for people living with mental illness and for those who care for them. Rethink Mental Illness run over 140 local groups which provide vital peer support in the community.
'Butterflies for Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing' - A brochure from Achieving for Children
‘Butterflies for Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing’ is a brochure from Achieving for Children which provides guidance for parents and carers. This brochure is a combination of advice from government agencies and charities and has been created to help support mental health and emotional well-being of young people. Topics include healthy eating, exercise, mindfulness techniques and other mental health issues.