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Prayer and Liturgy

As a Catholic school, prayer and liturgy are at the core of school life.  Our aim is that through the experience of prayer and liturgy, our school community should "become reflective, experience the presence of God and should develop a mature spiritual life." Christ at the Centre Rev Marcus Stock, 2005.

At St Elizabeth’s, collective worship is how we, as a community of faith, come together to give glory, honour, praise and thanks to God.  It is through acts of shared worship, prayer and liturgy, that the Catholic identity of our school is shaped and sustained.

School Assemblies

The school gathers together at least three times each week for Collective Worship linked to the liturgical season, Sunday’s Gospel, or other religious, PSHE (Personal Social Health and Economic Education) or social justice themes.  A variety of staff and groups of children lead assemblies.  The assemblies follow a format which is familiar to the children with music, scripture, hymns, prayer and the lighting of a candle.

During the weekly Values Assembly, 'real life' examples of how our school values have been ‘lived’ are shared and children are reminded of the Gospel teachings that are the basis of our school values.  Children who have ‘lived’ our school values are acknowledged and celebrated during this assembly.

Class-led Assemblies

Every year each class prepares an assembly for the whole school based on their learning in their RE topic.  The children are actively involved in the selection of readings and the writing of prayers.  They also use drama, art and music to engage and communicate their message.  Parents, carers and governors are invited to attend class assemblies.

Mass and Liturgies

Throughout the year we have the joy of celebrating the Sacrament of the Eucharist in school.  The priests from our parishes come into school to celebrate Masses and work with the staff in the preparation of these.  On Holy Days of Obligation, we attend Mass in the parishes.  

Children help to prepare and lead the Mass through altar serving, reading and bringing up the gifts during Mass.  On Holydays of Obligation we go to one of our parishes for Mass in the parish church.

A special choir ’Schola’ which encompasses Year 5 and Year 6 children lead the singing in Masses and liturgies.

Parents, carers and governors are invited to join us for Masses and liturgies in school.

Advent and Lent Liturgies

Throughout the year, to mark important events in the Church’s liturgical year, we hold special liturgies, for example, Reconciliation Service and Ash Wednesday Liturgy.

In Lent, Year 4 perform the Passion Play when the children re-enact the Passion and Resurrection of Christ through drama, scripture and music.

In Advent our KS1 children retell the story of the birth of Jesus in a Nativity play, and we hold a KS2 Carol Concert in our local parish church.


At St Elizabeth’s, we aim to help children value and respect the power of prayer.  We encourage the children to pray by providing a prayer area in each classroom.  Each area has a Bible, other books and objects that the children feel make the area a special place.  We help the children both to create and experience an atmosphere that enhances prayer.  This involves the children both preparing themselves to pray and experiencing peace and tranquillity. 

We also have a collective prayer space in the school hall where all children are encouraged to actively engage in prayer and reflection.

In the months of May and October we have a whole school focus on the Rosary.

Click below to read our Collective Worship Policy.