Our Curriculum
Our Curriculum Intent
Our School Values and Mission Statement are at the core of all we do.
Our curriculum is designed to give children a love of learning and the essential knowledge and skills they need to be successful life-long learners. We teach our pupils to develop and use the skills of critical thinking, enquiry and problem solving.
We have high aspirations for every child, and our curriculum is designed to ensure all children make excellent progress from whatever their starting points and to achieve success.
Our curriculum delivers the full National Curriculum enriched with numerous before and after school clubs, competitions, theme weeks and wider opportunities. We create memorable learning experiences for children through a rich programme of Educational Visits in our local area, London and beyond.
The key subject knowledge and concepts are taught in small steps and are revisited allowing children to deepen understanding and build on previous learning.
We teach all the subjects of the National Curriculum in discrete units of work, making relevant links with prior learning and between subjects.
As a Catholic school 10% of our curriculum is dedicated to the teaching of Religious Education and children become religiously literate in their own faith and also learn about other faiths. This adds value to other learning for example their reflection and appreciation of music.
Our curriculum supports the development of a rich vocabulary and we have high expectations of speaking and listening. All children are encouraged to speak accurately, in full sentences and to speak effectively in public.
We vigorously promote reading across the curriculum and effectively encourage all children to read widely and for enjoyment.
Our curriculum is personalised to be relevant to our diverse school community. Languages and cultures are celebrated and areas of study have been chosen to both reflect our pupils’ experiences and give them the essential cultural capital that they need to be active global citizens.
We plan relevant opportunities in all subjects to develop children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural understanding, including knowledge and application of the Fundamental British Values.
We are committed to offering the highest quality experiences delivered by specialist teaching in Physical Education and Sport, Music, Drama and French.
Regular Homework tasks are set to reinforce or practise what has been taught in the classroom and half-term projects require children to study an area of choice in depth.