Physical Education
At St Elizabeth's, we value Physical Education highly and we are delighted to have achieved the Sports Mark Platinum Award, having achieved Gold for the past four years.
We want our pupils to be physically active, lead healthy and active lives, and become confident and competent participants in a range of sports and physical activities. We achieve this both through our taught PE Curriculum and through the wide range of sporting opportunities and extra-curricular opportunities.
All children have two hours of PE teaching a week. We employ a specialist PE lead to teach all classes at least once a week. It is also the role of the PE lead to advise the class teachers in the delivery of the PE curriculum, lead before and after school sports clubs and organise pupils' participation in competitive sports events. It is our goal that all children have the opportunity to play competitive sports and to achieve this we hold regular inter-house sports tournaments in school, and we participate fully in the borough leagues, competitions and tournaments.
The PE specialist also co-ordinates the Sports Committee and Play Leader Teams, whose roles are to promote engagement in sports, physical activity and healthy lifestyles across the school.
At St Elizabeth's, we use 'Get Set 4 PE' as a resource in the delivery of PE lessons. We enhance our curriculum with external sports professionals whose expertise helps to raise children's skills, experiences and aspirations.
Our PE curriculum teaches children the fundamental skills, which they apply to a wide range of sports with increasing skill and tactical understanding. Gymnastics and dance are taught in each year group. All children in KS2 participate in swimming lessons, where they become proficient in swimming at least 25m using a range of strokes effectively. They also learn to perform self-rescue techniques.
As well as developing skills and knowledge, our children learn about the wider and lifelong benefits of combining exercise with healthy lifestyle choices and positive mental health, including fairness, friendship and good sportsmanship.
Our school site enables us to promote physical activity within lessons, playtimes and extra-curricular clubs. Our KS1 playground has a variety of surfaces and gradients to allow children to develop their skills of running, climbing, jumping and throwing. Our KS2 playground has an outdoor gym area, climbing wall and table tennis tables. Our astroturf provides an excellent space for PE lessons, playtimes, clubs and sports fixtures. We also use the sports field at nearby Christ's School for PE lessons and sports days in KS2.
Click here for more information on the PE National Curriculum.
Please see below for information about our extra-curricular clubs at school.