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Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 Class Page.  

Curriculum Information for Parents and Carers – Year 6 Autumn Term 2024

The Autumn Term is here and we would like to share with you a summary of what your child will be learning in class.  We would also like to share some ways that you can support your child at home.

Detailed information about the topics can be found in the Knowledge Organisers at the bottom of this page.  The Knowledge Organisers contain the key vocabulary and learning for each topic and you can look at these with your child over the course of the term. 


Throughout the term, we will be reading Friend or Foe.  This text links to our History topic and will provide many opportunities for writing such as diary entries, flashback stories, and letters.  We will also be studying poetry and creating our own poems.


Throughout this term, we will be recapping and building on previous learning in place value, addition and subtraction and multiplication and division.

These topics will include numbers to 1 million and 10 million, rounding to the nearest million, comparing and ordering numbers and negative numbers.

For addition and subtraction and multiplication and division, we will be learning about long division and long multiplication.  We will also be learning about factors and multiples.  This term,we will be learning about squared and cubed numbers as well as prime numbers.


Throughout the term, we will be studying family and how we show and are shown love.  We will develop an understanding of vocation and commitment looking specifically at the priesthood.  We will explore the work that Christians do for the common good of all.  We will learn how Advent is a time of joyful expectation of Christmas and the Word becoming a human person, Jesus.


Classification: We will learn about how we classify living things into particular groups based on features of similarities and differences as well as being able to explain why we have chosen a particular classification for plants and animals.

Electricity: This topic builds on our Year 4 work on electricity.  We will learn to draw conventional circuit diagrams and use models to explain current, resistance and voltage.  We will compare different batteries and relate this to the effects on bulb brightness.


In Autumn Half Term 1, we will be learning about the impact of war.  We will research and compare the impact of the First and Second World Wars in our local area.  We will develop an understanding of the Home Front and how the wars impacted our community.


In Autumn Half Term 2, we will be learning about where our energy comes from.  We will be learning about renewable and non-renewable energy sources, where they come from and their impact on society, the economy and the environment.


Bletchley Park and History of Computers: This term, we will be learning about Bletchley Park.  We will be discovering the history of Bletchley Park, historical figures, and computer science.  We will learn about code-breaking and password hacking as well as decoding messages and look back in time at how computers have evolved.

AI: We will explore what AI is and how it generates text, images and code.  We will learn about creating and refining prompts to improve AI responses while also considering the ethical implications of AI.


We will learn about the French speaking countries in the Francophone world and Paris and its districts (arrondissements).  We will learn the names for places and shops in the local environment as well as rooms in the house.  In preparation for transition to secondary French, we learn the two fundamental verbs of avoir and ȇtre and will also complete translation tasks.


Autumn Half Term 1: Watcha Rhythms -  This half term, we will be developing our performance, composition and contextual understanding skills in music through the study of a piece called ‘Double Talk’.  We will perform the piece to the rest of the class with body percussion we have created, as well as compose and notate our own ‘watcha rhythms’ piece.

Autumn Half Term 2: Carol Service - Perform in the Christmas Carol Service.  We will refine our singing posture and projection and develop our performance skills.


Swimming: We will focus on swimming more fluently and with increased confidence and control.  We will continue to develop technique and may learn personal survival techniques and how to stay safe around water.

Tag Rugby: We will develop attacking skills by supporting the ball carrier using width and drawing defence.  When defending, we will develop tagging success, how to track and slow down an opponent, and how to work as a defensive unit.

Football: We will develop defending and attacking play, focusing on selecting the appropriate pass and applying tactics.

Indoor Athletics: We will review and refine techniques for indoor events.

Gymnastics: We will use knowledge of compositional principles, to combine and link actions and how to relate to a partner and apparatus, when developing sequences.


This half term in Art, we will be looking at the theme of making my voice heard.

We will be exploring art with a message and we will look at how artists convey a message.  Exploring imagery, symbols, expressive mark-making, and ‘chiaroscuro’ we will consider how the artist communicates with their audience and creates powerful drawings to make their voices heard.

Design and Technology

This term, we will use our understanding of electrical systems and design by designing and creating a steady hand game.

RHSE (Relationship, Health and Sex Education)

This term, we look at the following topics: Gifts and Talents, Girls’ Bodies, Boys’ Bodies, Spots and Sleep.  Further information about these can be accessed via the Life to the Full portal.

Educational Visits

Information about Educational Visits will be confirmed shortly.  

How you can help your child at home

  • At home you should continue to encourage your child to read daily for 20 minutes.
  • Children should practise your times tables and Freckle Maths for 20 minutes daily.
  • Be aware of your child’s homework timetable and ensure that your child is completing the correct task for the correct day.