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Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 Class Page.  

Curriculum Information for Parents and Carers – Year 2 Summer Term 2024

The Summer Term is here and we would like to share with you a summary of what your child will be learning in class.  We would also like to share some ways that you can support your child at home.

Detailed information about the topics can be found in the Knowledge Organisers.  The Knowledge Organisers contain the key vocabulary and learning for each topic and you can look at these with your child over the course of the term. 


Summer Half Term 1:

Our text for the first half of the summer term is Lila and the Secret of the Rain.  Through this text, we will plan and retell a known story including a clear beginning, middle and end.  We will also look at poetry and write and perform call and response poems.

Summer Half Term 2:

Our text in the second half term is Anne Fine’s Diary of a Killer Cat.  Through this text, we will write for different purposes with a focus on using the correct tense consistently throughout writing by using the progressive form of verbs in both the past and present tense.


Throughout this term, we will be consolidating our learning through problem solving and mathematical investigations.  New topics covered in this term are listed below:

Summer Half Term 1:

  • Fractions - recognising equal and unequal parts; recognising and finding a half, quarter and a third.
  • Time - telling the time to the nearest quarter of an hour and 5 minutes.

Summer Half Term 2:

  • Statistics - making a tally chart; reading tables; drawing and interpreting pictograms.
  • Position and Direction - directional language including; left and right, forwards and backwards, quarter, half, three-quarter and full turns and above and below in relation to movement.

Mixed Problem Solving - using knowledge learnt across the year to complete complex 2-step word problems and mathematical investigations.


Summer Half Term 1: We will learn about Pentecost through our topic of Spread the Word.  Using our religious learning, we will answer our big question of ‘What responsibilities are involved in passing on messages?’  In our Other Faiths topic, we will learn about Hinduism.  Our focus will be on how prayer is part of the Hindu way of life.

Summer Half Term 2: In our topic of Thanksgiving, we will learn about the Eucharist and answer the question ‘What is special about the Bible and why is it important to us?’  In our topic of the Universal Church, we will be learning through scripture about what we treasure and why.  We will relate our learning to answering our big question ‘What made me?’.


In our topic Plant Growth, through working scientifically, we will learn about how plants grow and what they need to survive.  We will investigate plant life cycles and human impacts on plants in the environment.  We will also continue to develop our knowledge by working scientifically across a range of investigations relating to the learning we have done throughout the year.


This term, we will be learning about the Greatest Explorers throughout history and what made them great.  We will be using historical enquiry skills to answer a new question each lesson and build upon our understanding of chronology.  We will make comparisons between different explorers and their journeys.


In our summer term topic of ‘What is it like to live on the coast?’, we will be learning about the seas and oceans surrounding the UK.  Throughout the topic, we will name some of the physical features of coasts and identify human features in a coastal town.  We will also describe how people use the coast and how it impacts local people living there.


Summer Half Term 1: In our topic of ‘Stop Motion’, we will be learning how to create a flip book animation.  We will decompose a story into smaller parts to plan a Stop Motion animation.  We will then create an animation with small changes between images.

Summer Half Term 2: In our topic of ‘Online Safety’, we will be learning how to recognise what information is safe to be shared online.  We will be able to say who to ask for help with online worries and will develop strategies to work out if online information is reliable or not.


Summer Half Term 1: We will be exploring treble clef pitch notation.

Summer Half Term 2: We will be building on our knowledge of pitch notation to learn as a class how to play the Ocarinas.


Athletics: We will be developing our athletic skills of running, jumping, throwing and preparing for the KS1 Sports Day carousel.

Striking and Fielding: We will be developing our understanding of the principles of striking and fielding games. We will begin to think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition.

Ball Skills: In this unit, we will explore fundamental ball skills such as throwing and catching, rolling, hitting a target, dribbling with both hands and feet and kicking a ball.


In our topic of Sculpture and 3D, we will learn how to flatten and smooth clay, rolling shapes successfully and making a range of marks in clay.  By the end of the topic, we will create a clay house tile that has recognisable features made by both impressing objects into the surface and by joining simple shapes.

Design and Technology

In Design and Technology, we will be looking at making pouches in textiles.  We will learn how to join fabric using a running stitch and how to thread a needle safely.  We will also learn how to cut fabric neatly and to pin the fabric before sewing.

RHE (Relationship and Health Education)

In RHE, we will learn to recognise safe and unsafe situations in real life and online.  We will also learn the difference between good secrets that are safe to keep, and bad secrets that are unsafe to keep.  Through activities and teaching, we will learn how to resist pressure when feeling unsafe.  We will discuss how our bodies are made by God and given to us as wonderful gifts that deserve our and others’ respect.  Finally, we will use our understanding that we are created to love God and love others, and we should therefore look out for and care for one another.  We will discuss what makes a situation a 999 emergency and introduce the principles of basic First Aid through animated teaching, role play and discussions.

Educational Visits

Holly Lodge on 11th June 2024.  

How you can help your child at home

  • Daily reading.
  • Phonics and spelling practise.
  • Weekly maths sheets.